L’action Jean Monnet Migration And Asylum Policies Systems (Maps) Network
Jean Monnet Network on MIGRATION AND ASYLUM POLICIES SYSTEMS (MAPS, n° 599856-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPJMO-NETWORK) is born within the context of the past experiences of Jean Monnet activities carried out in University of Naples “L’Orientale”. European universities have joined this project, including: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; University of A Coruña; University Jean Moulin Lyon 3; University of Malta; Universität Innsbruck; Queen Mary University London; University Goce Delchev; University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST); Stiftung Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).
MAPS aim to create an international platform of know-how on legal tools and best practices for stakeholders and in order to provide a coherent framework for risk assessment and sustainable management of different implementation on migration and asylum policies in EU member States.
This project is committed to promote both new content and new research and debating activities at international as well as national level in the field of the European integration studies. In particular, a comparative research will investigate differences in the asylum and migration laws and policies of Member States including their implementation under stress as a consequence of the ongoing crises in Syria, Iraq, Central and East Africa.
Starting from EU proposal of May 4, 2016 to amend the asylum system, Dublin IV, MAPS aims at highlighting key changes relating to general principles and safeguards of asylum system and the Corrective Allocation Mechanism (CAM) as regards as clearly differentiate between deficiencies in the legal design of the system and in its implementation, analysing weaknesses and the compliance with international law obligations to protect asylum claimants, refugees and migrants in general.
MAPS purpose is to become a reference points in the European Union on migration/asylum issues areas and will take the role of multipliers and disseminate knowledge at national as international level through collecting and capitalizing information as well as provide analysis and perspectives on best practices.
At present, there is a lack of coordination between the academic institutions, the policy-makers and the civil society organizations specialized in migration and asylum seekers at national as international level, and different implementation systems of reception, asylum and inclusion policies in EU member States imply the restrain of migrants’ integration process.
Among the main activities:
- teaching and e-learning;
- research groups on specific issues;
- international events (seminars, workshops and summer schools)
Website : https://www.mapsnetwork.eu/
University of Naples “L’Orientale” – Prof. Giuseppe Cataldi
- University of Naples “L’Orientale” – Prof. Giuseppe Cataldi
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Prof. Maria Gavouneli;
- The University of A Coruña – José Manuel SOBRINO HEREDIA;
- University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 – Dr. Kiara NERI;
- University of Malta – Dr. Ivan Sammut;
- Universität Innsbruck – Innsbruck University – Prof.Dr. Peter Hilpold;
- Queen Mary University London – Dr Violeta Moreno-Lax;
- University Goce Delchev – Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska;
- University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology – SSST – Dr. Maja Savic-Bojanic;
- Stiftung Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (Foundation European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Prof. Dr iur. Jens Lowitzsch
- Dr Michele Corleto, researcher in international law – University Pegaso
- Dr Marco Fasciglione, researcher in international law – CNR/IRISS
- Dr Marianna Pace, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in international law, University of Naples “L’Orientale”
- Prof. Anna De Meo
- Prof. Luigi Mascilli Migliorini
- Prof. Maria Cristina Ercolessi
- Prof. Fabio Amato
- Prof. Anna Liguori
- Prof. Adele Del Guercio
- Prof. Miguel Mellino
- Prof. Daniela Pioppi
- Staff member Partner: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Prof. Maria Gavouneli;
- The University of A Coruña – José Manuel SOBRINO HEREDIA;
- University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 – Dr. Kiara NERI;
- University of Malta – Dr. Ivan Sammut;
- Universität Innsbruck – Innsbruck University – Prof.Dr. Peter Hilpold;
- Queen Mary University London – Dr Violeta Moreno-Lax;
- University Goce Delchev – Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska;
- University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology – SSST – Dr. Maja Savic-Bojanic;
- Stiftung Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (Foundation European University Viadrina
Frankfurt (Oder)), Prof. Dr iur. Jens Lowitzsch
Research team Unior: Prof. Anna De Meo; Prof. Luigi Mascilli Migliorini; Prof. Maria Cristina Ercolessi; Prof. Fabio
Amato; Prof. Anna Liguori; Prof. Adele Del Guercio; Prof. Miguel Mellino; Prof. Daniela Pioppi; Prof. Valentina
Grado; Dr Marianna Pace; Dr Angela Pacelli; Dr Anna Fazzini, Dr Giuliana Doria, Dr Michele Corleto, Dr Marco
Fasciglione, Dr Valentina Rossi, Dr Giorgia Bevilacqua, Prof. Oriana Capezio
Giuliana Doria, Phd candidate – University of Naples “L’Orientale” (Tutor); Anna Fazzini, Phd candidate – University
of Naples “L’Orientale” (Tutor); Angela Pacelli, Phd candidate – University of Naples “L’Orientale” (Tutor); Lorenzo
Riccio, Phd candidate – University of Naples “L’Orientale” (Tutor)
Dr. Benedetta Bovenzi, University of Naples “L’Orientale”