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11/27/2024 - 18h00 > 20h00

2024 - 2025 Conférence IDCEL

Salle 102 | Manufacture des Tabacs, 6 rue du Pr. Rollet, Lyon 8e

The Carceral Monster : Why Does the United States Imprison More of its Citizen...

[ Salle 102 ]

Carte blanche à Robert LANCASTER, Associate Professor, Louisiana State University ‘‘LSU’’ Paul M. Hebert Law Center, USA

Sous la direction de Mathieu CARDON, Maître de conférences en droit public, Directeur du D.U. de droit américain, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

Inscription gratuite et obligatoire ici

Résumé :

The United States incarceration rate is 716/100,000 of its population. Compare that to France where the incarceration rate is about 98/100,000. What are the causes of mass incarceration in the United States ? What is necessary to fix the problem and bring the United States in line with the rest of the world ?