
Responsable scientifique et technique et coordinatrice du projet :
Kiara NERI, Maître de conférences HDR,
Post-doctorants :
Gaëtan BALAN,
Doctorante contractuelle :
Almodis PEYRE,

- 14 et 15 juin 2022| Colloque final MERCRO | La réalité de la police en mer / The reality of law enforcement at sea : feedbacks from the field (dir. sc. Kiara Neri et Gaetan Balan)
- 19 avril 2022| Workshop MERCRO 4 | Police en mer et police des pêches / Law enforcement at sea and fisheries (dir. sc. Kiara Neri)
- 29 mars 2022| Workshop MERCRO 3 | Sauvetage et migration en mer / Rescue ans Migration at Sea (dir. sc. Kiara Neri)
- 19 janvier 2022| Workshop MERCRO 2 | Le cadre des arrestations et de l’interception en mer (dir. sc. Kiara Neri)
17h30 – 18h30 | Workshop
Les conditions des arrestations en mer au regard de la Convention de Montego Bay, Kiara Neri, MCF en droit public à l’université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
L’usage de la force par les commandos et forces spéciales dans les interceptions en mer, Gaëtan Balan, post-doctorant en droit public à l’université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
18h30 – 19h00 | Discussion
Les conditions du cadre pénal et la CEDH pour les arrestations en mer, Yann Tephany, MCF en droit privé et sciences criminelles à l’université des Antilles
Observations générales, Amiral Jean-Pierre Labonne
11 mars 2019 (Salle Caillemer-10h00-16h00). – L’adaptation du droit de la mer aux enjeux contemporains. – Conférence du Commissaire général Thierry Duchesne et Première réunion du projet ANR MERCRO – dir. sc. Kiara Neri (CDI).
The Project ANR MERCRO
ANR-18-CE39-0012-01 > Projet MERCRO
The sea at the crossroad: the legal repercussions of the superposition of legal regimes on the effectivity of the police at sea
The Research hypothesis: the fragmentation of the law of the sea and the superposition of legal regimes obstructs the efficiency of the police operations at sea. The project thus focuses on the legal effects of this fragmentation and examine potential solutions.
The proposal was dictated by the European maritime actuality. The sea has indeed become a major security challenge for Europe. A large number of legal studies have therefore focused on migratory phenomena, criminality at sea and environmental issues. However, these studies remain essentially sectorial and do not capture the maritime phenomenon in its entirety. However, in order to safeguard security in Europe, to combat crime, prevent vulnerability and monitor maritime areas, the compartmentalized approach developed by researchers in International and European law can no longer suffice. The multiplicity of legal regimes applicable to the sea makes the organization of the police at sea extraordinarily complex and ineffective. Therefore, the project proposes to decompartmentalize the approaches and to propose solutions compatible with human rights and liberties.
The research team had proceeded to the full identification of international rules and legal regimes applicable to police operations at sea and in the fight against criminality at sea. Based on these results, we designed questionnaires dedicated to maritime users and maritime stakeholders, in order to estimate how these rules are applied in practice.